Take a deep breath and feel the cooling menthol

Why does menthol have a cooling effect?

Using the example of menthol-containing coughdrops, it can be explained as follows: Whenconsumed, receptors in the mouth are activated that are responsible for the sensation of cold. Thiscauses a cooling effect, which, however, has no influence on the actual body temperature.

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Our varieties

VICKS Classic Blue
VICKS Classic Blue
VICKS Blue Active
VICKS Blue Active
VICKS ProActive
VICKS ProActive
VICKS Double Action
VICKS Double Action
VICKS TripleAction
VICKS TripleAction
VICKS IceTea Peach
VICKS IceTea Peach
VICKS Honey Fresh
VICKS Honey Fresh
VICKS Fruity Fresh Lemon
VICKS Fruity Fresh Lemon
VICKS Fruity Fresh Cherry
VICKS Fruity Fresh Cherry
VICKS Blue Mega
VICKS Blue Mega
VICKS Honey Mega
VICKS Honey Mega
VICKS Blue Box
VICKS Blue Box